4 truths that will change your life forever

Deepika Bengali
4 min readMay 25, 2020

I bet for many people as soon as they jump out of bed they start planning their day.

“What do I need to do to solve that problem?”

“When should I schedule my appointment with my client?”

“Oh God, I have so much to do today”

We have these endless conversations in our heads about work and all the other issues we need to solve as we brush our teeth, get dressed, and sip our tea. Because of our confusing and complicated lives we have lost ourselves completed to the world and it’s rules.

As we walk through life we forget some of the things that we were born knowing, somewhere along the way we started to dim our light and began to accept what the elders and the society told us and forgot our own truth.

When we were kids, we knew that we were perfect, we were loved and that we just came here to express ourselves. But as we grew up, we were taught otherwise, we were told to choose logic over intuition,to always work on ourselves and to adjust to everyone around us if we wanted to be loved by others.

Here I remind you of who you truly are.

1. Love and accept yourself the way you are

I exist as I am, that is enough

Walt Whitman

We all have things that we don't like about ourselves and each of us wants to be a better version of ourselves and that is a wonderful thing but we do not realize the pressure we put on ourselves when we are constantly trying to improve and fix things about us that we believe are not “right” or “acceptable”.

All of us have heard this before “give yourself some self-love and accept yourself right now”.

How many of us follow this advice?

Each one of us has an excuse:

I will love myself when I lose those pounds when I get that lover, the car, the promotion, or when I change that behavior.

We only have one life and we do not know when we will leave this planet. Are you going to deny yourself the right to love and accept all of you till your last day!

You may not realize it but every time you give an excuse you only delay this wonderful gift that only you can give yourself!

So choose to love yourself just the way you are and accept all of you! Embrace all your feelings, emotions, and behaviors — positive and negative.

2. Tune into your inner wisdom

There is a universal, intelligent, life force that exists within everyone and everything. It resides within each one of us as a deep wisdom, an inner knowing. We can access this wonderful source of knowledge and wisdom through our intuition, an inner sense that tells us what feels right and true for us at any given moment.

Shakti Gawain

We are so lost in the dramas and worries of our life that we have lost our connection to ourselves.

Give yourself a few minutes every morning to feel your connection to the Universe. Connect to your imagination, your gut instincts, and intuition to solve your problems; try not to google every problem and get advice from the external world all the time.

Tune into your inner wisdom and then take action. Listen to what the Universe is telling you and allow it to guide you. For me listening to the Universe means following my heart, it is different for different people, and you can connect in your own special way.

Give this wonderful intelligence a chance to help you and guide you and know that everything is always working out for your highest good even if it doesn't look like it now.

Go through your day with confidence, courage, and love.

3. Be authentic

Be authentic. Be yourself, whatever the emotional cost. Pain goes away, while regret over a life lived trying to be a plastic version of yourself does not.

Vironika Tugaleva

Everyone has the fear of not being good enough, disappointing others, and embarrassing themselves.

We go through life with these fears and often hide our true nature in front of our colleagues and friends to fit in and to gain their approval.

We often say ‘YES’ when we mean ‘NO’, we suppress our feelings and emotions because we want to be liked by others.

Today make a commitment to be authentic.

Stand tall and speak your own truth!

4. You matter and your actions matter

Our everyday routines make us feel that we only live for ourselves, work hard to pay the bills, and make our family happy. That is how we generally perceive our daily lives and we start thinking that we are not anyone significant.

But that is not true!

You matter; the hard work you put in your work matters, the things that are important to you matter!

Each one of us is changing lives to some extent.

Let's say you greet your customer and offer your best services to them and they leave your store happy and satisfied, you just made a positive change in their lives.

I often experience this when a stranger smiles at me it makes me feel that I live in a friendly and safe place and many more such wonderful experiences that I encounter throughout the day. I am sure you also have such experiences that shift your perspective on life.

However, insignificant it may seem you are impacting all the people that you meet throughout the day.

As you read this article, I am making an impact on you in a small way as well.

Remember you matter and you are capable to make a positive change in someone's life! Each one of us is a gift to the other!

If your mind tells you otherwise, don't believe it!

Embody these truths and express yourself fully and joyously!





Deepika Bengali

I hope that my thoughts and ideas could touch someone in a positive way ❤