5 Habits that will enhance your life experience

Deepika Bengali
4 min readApr 6, 2021

Every one of us wants to improve our life.

We think that we need to take a huge “daring” step to change our life and often we get scared of the unknown future and never take that step.

The truth is you don't need to make a “big” change if you are not ready. You can take small incremental steps and change your life a little every day and experience more joy, peace, and happiness!

Here, I suggest 5 habits that will enhance your everyday life experience.

1. Learn to pause

Busy schedules and daily stress affect our emotional and physical health. Constant stress and pressure overwhelm our nervous system and as a result, reduces our efficiency and productivity at work.

It is very important to take at least 10–15minutes of break a few times throughout the day. If you like you can meditate or simply focus on your breathing and get in touch with your emotions and body.

Body awareness can quickly reveal where you are holding tension. It is also important to be mindful and release any thoughts or negative feelings that might be causing unnecessary stress and tension.

If you can take a power nap and allow your mind to rest.

When your mind is calm and alert it is easy to make the right decisions and increase your productivity.

2. Learn to get in touch with your emotions

All of us need to make important decisions at work and in our personal lives on a daily basis. Sometimes it can be very confusing and stressful to make a decision.

Often times we do not know exactly what is right for us or what is it that we really want and the different opinions and advice from other people make it even more difficult.

When you are in touch with your emotions and feelings it is easy to make the right decision for yourself.

Check-in with your body before making any decision. Observe without judgment how you “feel” when you think of changing that job or being in that relationship or moving cities.

Your feelings and emotions will definitely guide you in the right direction.

Before making any decision imagine yourself in that situation and your body and emotions will immediately give you the answer.

For example, if you feel excited and passionate when you visualize being in that relationship with that person- it is a YES! But if you feel fear or your gut is tight — it is a NO.

3. Learn to say NO

The art of leadership is to say no, not saying yes. It is very easy to say yes.

-Tony Bliss

Many of us are taught in our childhood to always say Yes to everything our elders say and never defy them.

Somehow we are conditioned to believe that saying NO is “rude” or “impolite”. Therefore, unconsciously we feel guilty for saying NO.

Rejecting someone or saying NO to an offer does not necessarily mean that you are being rude. There are so many gentle and polite ways to say NO.

Remember to always prioritize your personal values. Treat yourself with respect and take care of your emotional health before making any commitment. Never say Yes just to fit in or look “cool”.

4. Learn to say YES

As I just said it is important to say NO, but it is also important to learn to say “YES”.

Often we suppress our desires or hide our true feelings just to fit in or to avoid upsetting a loved one because they may not support us or may not like it.

We give so much importance to how others think of us or the opinions of others that we forget to care about how “we” feel about ourselves.

Life presents us with so many wonderful opportunities and there is so much to choose from so if there is something that you really want to do — say YES!

If you find your life purpose or passion say YES! Don’t allow anyone or anything to stop you from pursuing that which you “know” is your calling or that which makes you feel alive!

5. Learn something new

As adults, we get so caught up in the 9 to 5 that we forget to play and have fun once in a while. We get so caught up in our routines and everyday responsibilities that it sometimes feels that we are “stuck”.

The good news is that you are never stuck, it’s just that you are repeating the same activities over and over every single day.

One of the most fun and effective ways of getting “unstuck” and giving yourself a break from your daily routine is to learn something new.

Having a hobby is so refreshing and rejuvenating. There is no right or wrong in pursuing a hobby. It can be anything that you like or are interested in like cooking, playing an instrument, gardening, or reading.

Pursuing a hobby boosts your self-esteem and introduces some fun into your life! Learning something new can help you feel good about yourself and your life again.

So, these are the 5 habits that you can cultivate to live your life with passion, joy, and love.

Much Love,

Deepika ❤



Deepika Bengali

I hope that my thoughts and ideas could touch someone in a positive way ❤