5 signs you are hanging out with the wrong people

Deepika Bengali
3 min readDec 19, 2019

Personal relationships matter so much to each one of us.

We put in so much effort and are always ready to make our loved ones happy!

That is why it is so much more important to make sure that you hang out with the “right” people.

  • Do you try too hard to win them over or get them to like you?
  • Do you feel that you never have clarity on where the relationship is going?
  • Are you often drained or feeling negative after spending with them?

If you always feel unhappy, stressed and confused when you spend time with a certain someone it is likely that they may not be right for you.

Here I have mentioned 5 signs that will help you analyze whether the people you spend time with are right for you or not.

1. You are the “mom” of the group

Take care of the soul that takes care of others.

Mary Davis

Do your friends always come to you for advice?

Do you take on other people’s problems like they are your own?

If you often find yourself listening to the problems of your friends or colleagues, you are likely a highly sensitive person and that makes it more important that you be with the right group.

The people around you often rely on you to solve their issues or hear them out.

The important questions to ask yourself:

  • Can you rely on them?
  • Can you count on them when “you” face problems?

If the answer is NO, you are hanging out with the wrong tribe.

2. Your relationship is out of balance

It’s great to help others out, but it becomes a problem when it starts draining your energy.

Every relationship needs to be in balance. If you are always “giving” your energy, time, and money and the other person is always receiving it, then your relationship is out of balance.

This is very important to notice, especially for highly sensitive people.

Ask yourself: Am I always giving and giving of myself to this person?

It is so natural for us to give unconditionally to our loved ones but you may not notice that you are the only one giving.

3. You feel uncomfortable around them

One of the most important questions to ask yourself is:

  • Can I be myself around them?
  • Do you find yourself suppressing your true self when you are with them?

If yes, this is your intuition telling you that something is not right here.

You deserve to be with people who love you for who you are, who encourage you and support you to follow your heart.

You are worthy of people who bring the best out of you!

4. You can never have “conversations” with them

Do they give you silent treatment whenever things go wrong?

If they never talk clearly and expect that you read between the lines or are not ready to face the issue head-on then it’s likely that you never will be able to speak your mind as well.

If you always feel confused about the relationship and feel like you are walking on eggshells then it’s time to bid them farewell.

Be with people who are ready to invest their time and energy in the relationship, the ones who are ready to discuss with you about the problems and not avoiding them leaving you feeling lonely and confused.

5. They want you to change

If you are with someone who always criticizes you or looks down on you, you might be with a toxic person.

If you are going out of your way, bending over backward like a pretzel for them every time they tell you to change something about yourself then that person is not right for you.

Each one of us deep in our heart wants to be appreciated, loved and cherished and relationships are meant to be doing that.

If you think that being with this person does you more harm than good then it is really important that you cut ties with them.

I know human relationships are difficult but please remember that you deserve people who make you feel good, make you laugh and help you love yourself more!

Do not settle for anything less than what you deserve!

You are a beautiful being who deserves love just like them! So don't allow others to walk all over you and treat you badly under the pretense of care or love.

Unconditional love is not manipulative and it is never without healthy boundaries! Don’t let them believe you otherwise!

Lots of love,




Deepika Bengali

I hope that my thoughts and ideas could touch someone in a positive way ❤