How to develop a healthy relationship with your mind

Deepika Bengali
3 min readJun 26, 2022

We have heard countless times that “Your mind is a powerful tool”.

Whether it is the LOA Community, Buddhism, or Psychology there is a lot of emphasis on the mind and how to use it.

I feel that it is great to change our thoughts, train, or use our minds to get the results that we want but often I have observed that in the process we become so mean and unkind towards ourselves.

Do you blame your mind for not quieting down when you are trying to meditate?

Do you blame your mind when it is thinking negative thoughts instead of positive ones?

Pause for a moment and reflect upon your relationship with your own mind.

I am sure that you are very unkind and mean towards your mind whether you follow a spiritual path, LOA, or science.

The current self-help genre has made us believe that once we fix our minds our lives will instantly get better and so we try to fix, train, detox, and reset our minds to make our lives better.

Well, there is nothing wrong with training your mind but the problem lies when your relationship with your mind turns negative.

Many people believe that they need to discipline their minds or always watch their thoughts.

Especially in the spiritual community, it is believed that the mind is the root of all problems.

In this article, I want to help you develop a healthy, happy, and balanced relationship with your mind and think about your mind in a more positive and loving way.

Let’s start by counting the endless wonderful and amazing things your mind gives you.

  1. Your mind remembers all the things that are important to you and reminds you of them!
  2. Your mind helps you think of creative ideas for your business.
  3. Your imagination helps you in every aspect of your life.
  4. Your mind helps you think logically and practically and helps you make the best decision for yourself.
  5. Your mind takes care of your body whether you consciously realize it or not.

So just like your body gets tired when you work too hard so does your mind.

Stop demanding so much of your mind and stop blaming and judging it for every little thing!

Please remember your mind is a part of you and that it is your responsibility to treat it with kindness and love and not command it to be a certain way.

Now let’s talk about the ways to take care of your mind:

1. Meditate

Meditation is a wonderful tool to help your mind and body to relax and rejuvenate. In this age of technology, we are constantly thinking and brainstorming. So give your mind some time to rest.

Remember this practice is for your mind and body to relax so do not judge your mind if it can’t slow down.

2. Take a nap

Take a short break and take a quick nap whenever you feel tired or overwhelmed. Your mind will thank you for it.

It is a very effective method to feel fresh and energized so that you can work more efficiently.

3. Take some time off your devices

We are glued to our chairs staring at our computer screens all day long. This does not only exhaust our eyes but also our minds.

Turn off any notifications on your devices and allow your mind to be present or go for a relaxing walk in nature.

Give yourself a break from the constant chatter and information from the outside world.

4. Allow yourself to daydream

We are constantly looking for new ideas and perspectives to help us solve a problem or to help us with a new project. Just like any electronic device, your mind can go on overload and might need to rest in order to function again.

Give yourself some time to daydream and think or imagine things outside your daily routine and obligations. Allow your mind to wander and just enjoy the journey.

Your mind is a part of you that needs care, love, and attention just like your body.

All that you think whether negative or positive is a part of you and so please embrace it and love it instead of judging it or suppressing it.

With Love,




Deepika Bengali

I hope that my thoughts and ideas could touch someone in a positive way ❤