You don’t need a “big” purpose to live your best life

Deepika Bengali
3 min readSep 21, 2021

Purpose. Purpose. Purpose.

“You need to have a purpose if you want to live a good life! You have to be ambitious and work hard and dream big!!”

How often has everyone around us told us that we are “supposed” to have a purpose in life?

And when you don’t know what your purpose is people look at you funny.


“If you don't have a purpose in life you are wasting your life.”

There are thousands of books and podcasts and courses that talk about finding your purpose and living best your life.

But so many of us do not have a purpose or at times don’t really know what we truly want for ourselves.

We spend so much time reading and researching how we can fund our life purpose.

But I am here to tell you that it is totally OKAY if you do not know your life purpose or if you do not want to have a purpose in life.


“Your life purpose is always something BIG and you need to impact other people’s lives positively.”

Whenever we hear the word “purpose” we automatically think that it has to be something grand and spectacular like being a public speaker or entrepreneur with a multi-billion dollar business.

But I am here to tell you that if that is not your dream or if you don’t desire that lavish life it is OKAY!


“If you do not have a purpose you are not ambitious enough and you will never be successful.”

When I was in my preteens everyone around me my teachers and relatives used to tell me that I need to have a purpose and that I need to dream big or else I will never be successful or live a good life.

Also, social media plays a huge role in telling us what is ideal and what someone is supposed to do with their life.

As an adult, I do not feel that any of this is true, at least for me. All it did was add to my anxiety and depression if I was not able to perform well and be productive as per other people’s standards.

I struggled with self-esteem, self-worth, and self-confidence. I felt I was being lazy or unproductive and that I wasn’t trying hard enough to find my “one true purpose” in life.

Now, I realize that we do not need to have a big purpose where we impact other people positively or if we are at the top of the career ladder, or if we have billions of dollars in our bank account.

We are brainwashed into thinking that if we are not being result-oriented and that we are not successful financially or have achieved that executive rank we are not special or that we are not ambitious enough.

Your life purpose can be anything that YOU want it to be and it does not have to be something BIG!

If tending to your little garden or playing music and singing with your friends on weekends is what makes you happy and feel alive then you are living your life with purpose.

You could be a parent who takes pride in taking care of children and help them become caring and loving adults — that can be your life purpose.

You could be a child who is taking care of your aging parents and that can be your life purpose.

You could be that employee who gives the best services to your customers and makes sure that your customers walk out that door happy and satisfied — that can be your life purpose.

I send love and respect to all the people who are taking care of their families, doing their best at their jobs, or those who enjoy their hobbies and are living with love and passion in their hearts.

You matter and you are already living your life on purpose.

Much Love,

Deepika ❤



Deepika Bengali

I hope that my thoughts and ideas could touch someone in a positive way ❤